Browse our knowledge base below, or if you have additional questions please contact us.

General FundRaisin Info
The FundRaisin event software is unrivaled for the customization of features that allow it to be completely branded to your organization and event. We are also one of the only softwares that provides training and support from real people included in every package. We are an affordable option for every size organization and event. We want your event to succeed, and we give you all the tools and support you need to raise more money!
Stripe payment processing fees are 2.9% of the donation plus .30 cents per transaction. With the FundRaisin, donors have the option to cover this fee! To date, we’ve helped our clients recover 90% of processing fees by giving donors the option to cover this percentage.
The FundRaisin software charges a 3% flat fee across transactions to cover the cost of running the platform, regardless of quantity of donations or number of registered users. That way, your event can continue to grow!
The FundRaisin is compatible with Stripe payment processor. Unlike a lot of fundraising software, we do not hold your money! Funds raised go directly into your account so you can access them as stripe makes them available to you, typically 3-5 days.
The price of the FundRaisin software includes its use for one event, which will be live for up to one year from the day of purchase. Each version of the FundRaisin is fully customized to the event. Your participant and donation info can be easily exported to Excel and stored for future use if you will not continue using the software in upcoming years.
One of the benefits of the Fundraisin platform is that it is extremely customizable! You can add your own logo and banner or video image to the main page. You can also add photos, logos, and text onto pages and make regular updates!
Included in your FundRaisin software are Youtube tutorials that help guide you through some of the most common tasks. These easy-to-follow videos provide step-by-step instructions. If you need additional help, we have real people who you can speak to and will happily help you during regular business hours. Please email
Administrator FAQs
To download a transaction report click on “Transactions” on your event admin dashboard. On the right hand side click on “Exportable Report” and at the top of the page select which report type you would like to download (Copy, Excel, CSV, or PDF).
To edit a transaction click on “Transactions” on your event admin dashboard. Search the donor’s name in the search bar on the right-hand side and then click “Edit” on the left-hand side.
On this page you can edit the participants name, donation amount, email, and comment. You can also change the recipient participant and team of the donation, as well as make the donation amount and donor name anonymous.
To add a new transaction click “Transactions” on your event admin dashboard. Click “Add New Transaction” button on the right-hand side. Fill out the “New Transaction” form and click the “Create Transaction” on the bottom ride-hand side of the form.
To edit a user click “Users” on your event admin dashboard. Search the user’s name in the search bar on the right-hand side and click the “Edit” button on the right-hand side.
You can reset a user’s password by clicking on the red “Edit This User’s Password” button at the top right of this form. You can also edit the user’s name, address, phone, and occupation.
To view a user’s profile click on “Users” on your event admin dashboard. Search the user’s name in the search bar on the right hand-side and click the “View” button on the right-hand side.
To reset a user’s password click “Users” on your event admin dashboard. Search the user’s name in the search bar on the right-hand side and click the “Edit” button on the right-hand side. On the edit user form click the red “Reset This User’s Password” button in the top right corner.
To add a new user click “Users” on your event admin dashboard. Click the “Add New User” button on the right-hand side and fill in the new user form.
To add a new event administrator click on “Users” in your event admin dashboard. Scroll to the bottom section titled “Event Administrators Management” and click on the green “Add New Event Administrator” button on the right-hand side and fill in the new user form.
To edit an event administrator click on “Users” on your event admin dashboard. Scroll to the bottom section titled “Event Administrators Management” and click the green edit button next to the administrator you want to edit.
You can reset an administrator’s password by clicking the red “edit this user’s Password” button at the top right of this form. You can also edit the user’s name, address, phone, email, and occupation.
To download a registration report click on “Registrations” on your event admin dashboard. On the right-hand side click “Exportable Report.” At the top of the page select which report type you want to download (Copy, Excel, CSV, or PDF).
To edit a registration click “Registrations” on your event admin dashboard. Search the donor’s name in the search bar on the right-hand side and then click the “Edit” button on the right hand side.
On this page, you can edit the participants name, email, team and registration payment status.
In order to register a new individual for your event they must be an active user. To add a new user see “How to add a new user.”
To add a new registration click on “Registrations” on your event admin dashboard. Click the “Add New Registration” button on the right-hand side and select a user from the drop down. Hit “Next” and continue filling out the registration form.
To view/edit a team click on “Teams” on your event admin dashboard. Search the team name in the search bar on the right hand side and click “View/Edit” on the right-hand side.
To edit the team page click the “Edit” button underneath the cover photo. On this form you can edit the team name, avatar, and description. Once you are done editing click “Save Changes” in the right-hand corner.
To add a new team click “Teams” on your event admin dashboard. Click the “Add New team” button on the right hand side. Fill out the “Add New Team” form and then click “Create Team” on the bottom right-hand side of the form.
Site Settings
On your event admin dashboard, site settings allows you to edit your organization’s logo, default profile cover photo, default profile bio text, default profile donation goal, default team bio text, and event registration participant agreement.
To upload or change your organizations logo click on “Site Settings” on your event admin dashboard. Hover over the current photo and click the pencil icon to edit the current image. Fill in the logo form with the changes and click “Update Image.”
To add a new logo, hover over the current logo and click on the “x” in the top right hand corner. Then click on “Add Image” and select a logo you would like to upload. The main logo will appear on the top left of all pages of the site. Logo should be a transparent PNG format and from 400 to 500 pixels wide, landscape.
Make sure to click on “Update Site Settings” in the bottom left-hand corner on the Site Settings page before exiting.
To upload or change your organization’s logo click “Site Settings” on your event admin dashboard. Hover over the current photo and click the pencil icon to edit the image. Fill in the cover photo form with the changes and click on “Update Image.”
To add a new cover photo, hover over the current photo and click on the “x” in the top right-hand corner. Then click on “Add Image” and select a photo to upload. This is the default cover image that will display on a participant's profile if they do not upload their own (Recommended Dimensions: 1200 × 300 pixels).
Make sure to click on “Update Site Settings” in the bottom left-hand corner on the site settings page before exiting.
To edit the default profile bio text click “Site Settings” on your event admin dashboard. Edit the text in the “Default Profile Bio Text” box. This is the default text that displays on a participant's profile if they do not enter their own bio.
Make sure to click on “Update Site Settings” in the bottom left-hand corner on the site settings page before exiting.
To edit the default profile donation goal click “Site Settings” on your event admin dashboard. Edit the goal amount in the “Default Profile Donation Goal” box. This is the default fundraising goal that displays on a participant's profile if they do not enter their goal.
Make sure to click on “Update Site Settings” in the bottom left-hand corner on the site settings page before exiting.
To edit the default team bio text click on “Site Settings” on your event admin dashboard. Edit the text in the “Default Team Bio Text” box. This is the default text that displays on a participant's profile if they do not enter their own team bio.
Make sure to click on “Update Site Settings” in the bottom left-hand corner on the site settings page before exiting.
To edit the event registration participant agreement click on “Site Settings” on your event admin dashboard. Edit the text in the “Event Registration Participant Agreement” box.
All individuals registering for your event will agree to terms and conditions set in place for your event through this participant agreement, so please be sure to customize to include any information about photos, liability, etc.
Make sure to click on “Update Site Settings” in the bottom left-hand corner on the site settings page before exiting.
Here you can create, edit and delete event announcements.
To add a new announcement click “Announcements” on your event admin dashboard. Click the “Add New Announcement” button on the right-hand side. Create a title for your announcement and then click on “Create Announcement.” Then click on “Edit” on the right-hand side of the page.
To view an announcement click on “Announcements” on your event admin dashboard. On the right-hand side, click the “View” button next to the announcement you want to remove. To delete an announcement click the “Delete” button on the right hand side.
To download a newsletter signup report click “Newsletter” on your event admin dashboard. At the top of the page select which report type you would like to download (Copy, Excel, CSV, or PDF).
Participant FAQs
On your event homepage, click the “Register” button on the homepage banner or in the top right-hand corner. Complete the registration form and hit “Submit” in the bottom left-hand corner. You will receive a confirmation email that contains a link to activate your user profile. Click on this link in order to finish your user registration. If you do not see your confirmation email in your inbox, check your spam and junk folder.
After registering as a user, log in to your account. In the top right-hand corner click on “My Dashboard.” On your dashboard, you will see a red box that says “Complete Registration.” Click “Continue To Registration” and fill out the registration form. You need to complete this form in order to allow individuals to donate to your fundraising page. Once your registration form is complete you will be able to personalize your fundraising page and profile!
My Account
To edit general information (your name, email address, address, phone number, gender, date of birth, and notification preferences) log in and click “My Dashboard” in the right-hand corner. Select "My Account" on your dashboard page. Here you can make changes to your account information and save any changes made by clicking on “Update my Account” at the bottom of the page. To edit general information (your name, email address, address, phone number, gender, date of birth, and notification preferences) log in and click “My Dashboard” in the right-hand corner. Select "My Account" on your dashboard page. Here you can make changes to your account information and save any changes made by clicking on “Update my Account” at the bottom of the page.
To update or change your account password log in and click “My Dashboard” in the right-hand corner. Select "My Account" on your dashboard page and scroll down to “Account Password.” Check the box next to “I want to update my password.” Enter your new password in both boxes and then click on “Update My Account” to confirm your new password.
To update your fundraising goal log in and click on “My Dashboard” in the right-hand corner. Select "Edit Profile" on your dashboard page and edit the amount underneath “Your Fundraising Goal”. Before leaving this page, click “Save Changes” in the left-hand corner in the middle of the page.
To update your personal profile message log in and click “My Dashboard” in the right-hand corner. Select "Edit Profile" on your dashboard page and edit the text underneath “Your Page Message.” Before leaving this page, click on “Save Changes” in the left-hand corner in the middle of the page.
To add/change photos in your gallery log in and click “My Dashboard” in the right-hand corner. Select "Edit Profile" on your dashboard page and scroll down to “Manage My Photo Gallery.” You can upload new images by clicking the "Add to gallery" button below. You can also reorder your images by dragging and dropping. After making your updates, click the "Save My Gallery" button to save your changes.
Edit Profile
To update or change your profile picture log in and click “My Dashboard” in the right-hand corner. Select "Edit Profile" on your dashboard page and click on your profile picture icon. Select a photo from your desktop to upload as your new profile picture. Before leaving this page, click on “Save Changes” in the left-hand corner in the middle of the page.
To update or change your cover image log in and click “My Dashboard” in the right-hand corner. Select "Edit Profile" on your dashboard page and click on your cover image icon. Select a photo from your desktop to upload as your new cover photo. Before leaving this page, click “Save Changes” in the left-hand corner in the middle of the page.
To update your fundraising goal log in and click on “My Dashboard” in the right-hand corner. Select "Edit Profile" on your dashboard page and edit the amount underneath “Your Fundraising Goal”. Before leaving this page, click “Save Changes” in the left-hand corner in the middle of the page.
To update your personal profile message log in and click “My Dashboard” in the right-hand corner. Select "Edit Profile" on your dashboard page and edit the text underneath “Your Page Message.” Before leaving this page, click on “Save Changes” in the left-hand corner in the middle of the page.
To add/change photos in your gallery log in and click “My Dashboard” in the right-hand corner. Select "Edit Profile" on your dashboard page and scroll down to “Manage My Photo Gallery.” You can upload new images by clicking the "Add to gallery" button below. You can also reorder your images by dragging and dropping. After making your updates, click the "Save My Gallery" button to save your changes.
My Team
To create a new team log in to your account and click “My Dashboard” in the right-hand corner. Select "My Team" on your dashboard and click on the “Create A New Team” tab. Fill out the create a new team form and upload your team avatar by clicking on the photo icon. Click on “Create Team” to create your new team.
After creating your team, you will have to add yourself to the team. To add yourself, select your team from the drop down list. Click on “Join Team” and you will be added to your new team.
To join an existing team log in and click on “My Dashboard” in the right-hand corner. Select "My Team" on your dashboard and select the team from the dropdown list. Click “Join Team” and you will be added to your new team.
Only the team captain (the person who started the team) is able to edit a team profile. Log in to your account and go to your dashboard. On the right-hand side in the “My Account” box, click on your team name. Underneath your team cover photo select “Edit Team.” The edit team form will allow you to edit your team’s name, profile picture and description. To save changes click on “Save Changes” in the right-hand corner.
My Donations
To view donations made on your page log in and click “My Dashboard” in the right-hand corner. Select "My Donations" on your dashboard page. This page will show all donations to support your fundraising goal.
View Profile
Log in and click “My Dashboard” in the right-hand corner. Select "View My Profile" on the right-hand side of your dashboard page. You can hit the “Share” button at the top of the page to share to social media, or you can paste the page URL below into your email and forward to friends, family members, and co-workers to allow them to donate and support your fundraising efforts.